Extratropical Highlights �June 2016
1. Northern Hemisphere
The 500-hPa circulation during June
featured above-average heights over the high latitudes of the North Pacific, the
western half of the United States, the high latitudes of the North Atlantic, and
central Siberia (Fig. E9). At 200-hPa, the circulation across the Pacific
Ocean showed no lingering El Ni�o signal (Fig.
The main land-surface temperature signals
during June included above-average temperatures across Alaska, western Canada, much
of the continental U.S., and eastern Europe (Fig. E1). The
main precipitation signals included above-average totals in central Europe, and
below-average totals in the north-central U.S. (Fig. E3).
a. North Pacific/ North America
The 500-hPa circulation during June
featured above-average heights over the high latitudes of the North Pacific and
the western half of the United States (Fig.
E9). Overall, surface temperatures remained well
above average in Alaska and western Canada. Surface temperatures were also well
above average across much of the continental U.S., with many areas recording departures
above the 90th percentile of occurrences. Precipitation was below
average across the north-central U.S., which was situated immediately
downstream of the anomalous ridge axis (Fig.
According to the U.S. Drought
Monitor, exceptional or extreme drought continued across central and southern California
during June, while severe drought persisted in western Nevada and developed in
northern Georgia. Moderate drought was evident in scattered areas around the
U.S., including eastern Oregon, the southern half of New Mexico, western
Arizona, portions of western South Dakota, eastern Iowa, northern Mississippi, northern
Alabama, portions of south-central and southeastern Tennessee, and portions of
New England.
2. Southern Hemisphere
The mean 500-hPa circulation during
June featured generally above-average heights in the middle latitudes,
and below-average heights across the polar region and the high latitudes of the
South Pacific (Fig. E15). At 200-hPa, the circulation across the
Pacific Ocean showed no lingering El Ni�o signal (Fig. T22).
The main surface temperature
signals during June included above-average temperatures in northern and eastern
Australia and in South Africa, and below-average temperatures in central South
America (Fig. E1).
The main precipitation signals included above-average totals in both western
and eastern Australia, with departures in eastern Australia exceeding the upper
90th percentile of occurrences (Fig.