- Reflections on 25 Years
of Analysis, Diagnosis & Prediction (1979-2004) - This publication provides an historic perspective
on the creation of the Climate Prediction Center, which is one of seven Service Centers within NOAA's
National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). The history is enriched by the "reflections" of
the five Directors who have guided The Center (initially the Climate Analysis Center and later the Climate
Prediction Center), over the past 25 years.
- Monthly Climate Diagnostics Bulletin - Technical discussion of
current and previous months climate events.
- Annual Assessments - Technical review of global climate variations
and their global impacts.
- Annual
Winter Stratospheric Ozone Bulletin- Technical review of routine Northern and
Southern Hemispheres monitoring programs; archive to 1994.
- Proceedings of Climate
Diagnostic and Prediction Workshop
-Online proceedings are available from 2001, refer to hard copies for proceedings in previous years.
- Special Summaries - Issued during major
climate events to improve understanding of climatic influences on floods, droughts, or
- Atlases - From time to time, the Climate Prediction Center produces
compendiums of multi-year regional data sets for various climate factors such as