Highlights –April 2021
Northern Hemisphere
The 500-hPa circulation during April featured above-average
heights over northern Siberia, Greenland and surrounding seas and The North
Pacific Ocean, and below-average heights over the North Atlantic Ocean, the
Arctic Ocean, Scandinavia, and central Canada (Fig. E9).
The main land-surface temperature signals included
above-average temperatures in eastern Canada, southwestern and west-coastal
states of the continental U.S., northwestern portions of Russia, the Middle
East, and western portions of North Africa (Fig. E1). The main precipitation signals
included above-average totals in the southeastern U.S., eastern portions of
Canada, western, central, and eastern portions of Russia, and below-average
totals in the northwest and midwest regions of the
U.S., the British Isles, and western Europe (Fig. E3).
a. North America
The 500-hPa circulation during April featured above-average
heights over eastern portions of Canada, The Gulf of Alaska, and along the west
coast of the continental U.S. (Fig. E9). Despite these circulation anomalies, much of
the continental U.S. and Alaska had near normal temperatures on average for
April. The west coast states, southwest
states, Great Lakes region, and New England had moderately above-average
temperatures, with percentiles between the 70th and 90th percent of occurrence
(Fig. E1). The circulation pattern off the Gulf of
Alaska contributed to below-average precipitation in the northwest states of
the U.S., resulting in dry conditions at the 10th percentile of occurrence (Fig. E3). The U.S. Drought Monitor for May also
indicates no change in the “abnormal” to “extreme” dry conditions there, with
some degradation in status for eastern portions of Oregon. Departures from normal precipitation
accumulation for April are on the order of 50-150mm below normal for the
combined areas of western Washington, Oregon and Northern California (Fig. E6). Meanwhile, the Mississippi Valley had much
above-average rainfall with departures from normal at 150mm or more for the
Mississippi Delta area (Figs. E3 and E6). According to
the U.S. Drought Monitor for May, the continued restoration of soil moisture
levels in the southeastern U.S. has led to Class 2 and 3 Improvements for the
b. Greenland, Europe and Scandinavia
The 500-hPa height pattern during April featured a
high-amplitude ridge over the British Isles that stretched across the Norweigian Sea to Greenland (Fig. E9). Temperature anomalies were only
slightly above-normal for April (Fig. E1), however total rainfall was below-average with
totals less than 100mm resulting in a low-percentile (10th) for April (Figs. E3 and E4).
Southern Hemisphere
The 500-hPa height field during April featured above-average
heights in the central South Pacific and Indian Oceans, with highest departures
from normal over the South Atlantic Ocean.
Below-average heights are primarily in sections of the Southern Ocean
and an adjacent area in the eastern portions of the South Pacific Ocean (Fig. E15). Southeastern portions of South America saw
below-average precipitation with totals in the 10th percentile while
northeastern Australia had above-average precipitation in the 80th percentile
or better (Fig. E4). In southern Africa, the monsoon season runs
from October to April. During April, rainfall was near normal for most of the
area with some areas below-average for the 2020-2021 season (Fig. E3).