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  Table of Atmospheric Indices  (Table 1)

  Table of Oceanic Indices  (Table 2)

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  Mean & Anomaly Fields

  Appendix 1: Outside Contributions

Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Level From Eastern Pacific GOES Stations

David B. EnField, NOAA/AOML
Instituto Oceanografico de la Armada Guayaquil, Ecuador
Direccion de Hodrografia y Navigacion de la Marina, Callao, PERU

MARCH 2010

Through cooperative arrangements with South American institutions, the TOGA program has maintained a network of nine tide stations and four meteorological stations in Ecuador, Peru and Chile since the mid 1980's. The stations are maintained by NOAA/AOML and the University of Hawaii. The hourly data are transmitted to down-link stations via the GOES satellite in real time and processed. The five-day averages (pentads) at critical stations give us an effective means of monitoring coastal conditions with good time resolution and compact data volume.

We are currently seeing energetic intraseasonal oscillations around the climatic normals, not unusual for this time of year. The most recent spike in sea level at Callao seems to be associated with a strong Kelvin wave that crossed the Pacific in February-March.


Day of   Sea Sfc Temperature    Sea Level Height (cm)
 Mar     Baltra Talara Callao   Baltra Libertad Callao
------   ------ ------ ------   ------  ------  ------
   4       **    19.4   18.9       **      **    114.6
   9       **    19.1   18.8       **      **    113.7
  14       **    20.7   18.7       **      **    116.4
  19       **    20.7   18.8       **      **    123.3
  24       **    21.6   18.8       **      **    118.1
  29       **    21.6   18.9       **      **    115.6

   4       **    -1.9    1.1       **      **      0.0
   9       **    -2.1    0.9       **      **     -1.0
  14       **    -0.5    0.6       **      **      1.7
  19       **    -0.4    0.7       **      **      8.6
  24       **     0.7    0.8       **      **      3.5
  29       **     1.0    1.0       **      **      1.0

For further information contact
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  ** - Data missing due to hardware failure 

FIGURE A1.5  Five-day averages of Sea Surface Temperature (SST, C) and Sea Level Height (SLH, cm) from GOES receiving stations in Ecuador and Peru. Dashed line and shading show climatology departures.

NOAA/ National Weather Service
NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction
Climate Prediction Center
5830 University Research Court
College Park, Maryland 20740
Page Author: Climate Prediction Center Internet Team
Page Last Modified: April 2010
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