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wgrib2 v3.1.1rc1 4/2022  Wesley Ebisuzaki, Reinoud Bokhorst, John Howard, Jaakko Hyvätti, Dusan Jovic, Daniel Lee, Kristian Nilssen, Karl Pfeiffer, Pablo Romero, Manfred Schwarb, Gregor Schee, Arlindo da Silva, Niklas Sondell, Sam Trahan, George Trojan, Sergey Varlamov
   stock build
 -else            else         else, -if ... -else ... -endif
 -elseif          elif  X      elseif X (POSIX regular expression) conditional on match, -if ... -elseif ... -endif
 -elseif_fs       elif  X      elseif X (fixed string) conditional execution
 -elseif_n        elif  X      elseif (inv numbers in range), X=(start:end:step)
 -elseif_rec      elif  X      elseif (record numbers in range), X=(start:end:step)
 -elseif_reg      elif  X      elseif rpn registers defined, X = A, A:B, A:B:C, etc A = register number
 -endif           endif        terminates if block
 -if              if    X      if X (POSIX regular expression), conditional execution on match
 -if_delayed_error if           if delayed error
 -if_fs           if    X      if X (fixed string), conditional execution on match
 -if_n            if    X      if (inv numbers in range), X=(start:end:step)
 -if_rec          if    X      if (record numbers in range), X=(start:end:step)
 -if_reg          if    X      if rpn registers defined, X = A, A:B, A:B:C, etc A = register number
 -not_if          if    X      not_if X (regular expression), conditional execution on not match
 -not_if_fs       if    X      if X (fixed string) does not match, conditional execution up to next output/fi
 -0xSec           inv   X      Hex dump of section X (0..8)
 -aerosol_size    inv          optical properties of an aerosol
 -aerosol_wavelength inv          optical properties of an aerosol
 -bitmap          inv          bitmap mode
 -center          inv          center
 -checksum        inv   X      CRC checksum of section X (0..8), whole message (X = -1/message) or (X=data)
 -cluster         inv          cluster identifier
 -cluster_info    inv          cluster information
 -code_table_0.0  inv          code table 0.0 discipline
 -code_table_1.0  inv          code table 1.0 master table version
 -code_table_1.1  inv          code table 1.1 local table version
 -code_table_1.2  inv          code table 1.2 significance of reference time
 -code_table_1.3  inv          code table 1.3 production status of processed data
 -code_table_1.4  inv          code table 1.4 type of processed data
 -code_table_1.5  inv          Identification template number
 -code_table_1.6  inv          calendar
 -code_table_3.0  inv          code table 3.0 Source of grid definition
 -code_table_3.1  inv          code table 3.1 Grid definition template number
 -code_table_3.11 inv          code table 3.11 regional/global thinned/reduced grid
 -code_table_3.15 inv          code table 3.15 Physical meaning of vertical coordinate
 -code_table_3.2  inv          code table 3.2 Size (radius) and Shape of Earth
 -code_table_3.20 inv          code table 3.20 Type of Horizontal line
 -code_table_3.21 inv          code table 3.21 Vertical Dimension coordinate values defn
 -code_table_3.6  inv          code table 3.6 Spectral data representation type
 -code_table_3.7  inv          code table 3.7 Spectral data representation mode
 -code_table_3.8  inv          code table 3.8 Grid point position
 -code_table_4.0  inv          code table 4.0 Product Definition Template Number
 -code_table_4.1  inv          code table 4.1
 -code_table_4.10 inv          code table 4.10 statistical processing .. first occurence
 -code_table_4.11 inv          code table 4.11 (first) type of time intervals
 -code_table_4.11s inv          code table 4.11 (all) type of time intervals
 -code_table_4.15 inv          code table 4.15 type of areal statistical processing
 -code_table_4.16 inv          code table 4.16 quality control value
 -code_table_4.2  inv          code table 4.2
 -code_table_4.230 inv          code table 4.230 chemical constituent type
 -code_table_4.233 inv          code table 4.233 aerosol type
 -code_table_4.235 inv          code table 4.235 Wind-generated wave spectral description
 -code_table_4.240 inv          code table 4.240 Type of distribution function
 -code_table_4.241 inv          code table 4.241 coverage attributes
 -code_table_4.242 inv          code table 4.242 tile classification
 -code_table_4.3  inv          code table 4.3 Type of Generating Process
 -code_table_4.4  inv          code table 4.4 (first)
 -code_table_4.5a inv          code table 4.5 (1st value)
 -code_table_4.5b inv          code table 4.5 (2nd value)
 -code_table_4.6  inv          code table 4.6 ensemble type
 -code_table_4.7  inv          code table 4.7 derived forecast
 -code_table_4.8  inv          code table 4.7 derived forecast
 -code_table_4.9  inv          code table 4.9 Probability Type
 -code_table_4.91 inv          code table 4.91 type of interval
 -code_table_4.91b inv          code table 4.91 type of interval (2nd copy)
 -code_table_5.0  inv          code table 5.0 data representation number
 -code_table_5.1  inv          code table 5.1 type of original field values
 -code_table_5.4  inv          code table 5.4 group splitting method
 -code_table_5.5  inv          code table 5.5 missing value management for complex packing
 -code_table_5.6  inv          code table 5.5 complex packing spatial differencing
 -code_table_5.7  inv          code table 5.7 precision in IEEE packing
 -code_table_6.0  inv          code table 6.0 Bitmap indicator
 -ctl_ens         inv          ens info for g2ctl/GrADS
 -ctl_inv         inv          ctl inventory dump for g2ctl/GrADS
 -cyclic          inv          is grid cyclic? (not for thinned grids)
 -disc            inv          discipline (code table 0.0)
 -domain          inv          find rectangular domain for g2ctl/GrADS plots
 -end_ft          inv          verf time = reference_time + forecast_time + stat. proc time (YYYYMMDDHH) (same as -vt)
 -end_FT          inv          verf time = reference_time + forecast_time + stat. proc time (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) (same as -VT)
 -ens             inv          ensemble information
 -ext_name        inv          extended name, var+qualifiers
 -flag_table_3.10 inv          flag table 3.10 scanning mode for one diamond
 -flag_table_3.3  inv          flag table 3.3, resolution and component flags
 -flag_table_3.4  inv          flag table 3.4, scanning mode
 -flag_table_3.5  inv          flag table 3.5 projection center
 -flag_table_3.9  inv          flag table 3.9 numbering order of diamonds seen from corresponding pole
 -ftime           inv          either ftime1 or ftime2 dep on version_ftime
 -ftime1          inv          forecast time
 -ftime2          inv          timestamp -- will replace -ftime in the future TESTING
 -ftn_api_fn0     inv          n npnts nx ny msg_no submsg i11,5(1x,i11)
 -full_name       inv          extended name, var+misc+lev (depreciated)
 -gdt             inv          contents of Grid Definition Template (g2c)
 -geolocation     inv          package (proj4,gctpc,internal,not_used) to get lat/lon of grid points
 -get_byte        inv   X Y Z  get bytes in Section X, Octet Y, number of bytes Z (decimal format)
 -get_hex         inv   X Y Z  get bytes in Section X, Octet Y, number of bytes Z (bytes in hexadecimal format)
 -get_ieee        inv   X Y Z  get ieee float in Section X, Octet Y, number of floats Z
 -get_int         inv   X Y Z  get 4-byte ints in Section X, Octet Y, number of ints Z
 -get_int2        inv   X Y Z  get 2-byte ints in Section X, Octet Y, number of ints Z
 -grib_max_bits   inv          maximum bits used in grib encoding
 -grid            inv          grid definition
 -grid_id         inv          show values from grid_id
 -hybrid          inv          shows vertical coordinate parameters from Sec4 (assuming 2 var per level
 -ij              inv   X Y    value of field at grid(X,Y) X=1,..,nx Y=1,..,ny (WxText enabled)
 -ijlat           inv   X Y    lat,lon and grid value at grid(X,Y) X=1,..,nx Y=1,..,ny (WxText enabled)
 -ilat            inv   X      lat,lon and grid value at Xth grid point, X=1,..,npnts (WxText enabled)
 -JMA             inv          inventory for JMA locally defined PDT
 -lev             inv          level (code table 4.5)
 -lev0            inv          level for g2ctl/GrADS
 -ll2i            inv   X Y    x=lon y=lat, converts to (i), 1..ndata
 -ll2ij           inv   X Y    x=lon y=lat, converts lon-lat to (i,j) using gctpc
 -lon             inv   X Y    value at grid point nearest lon=X lat=Y (WxText enabled)
 -match_inv       inv          inventory used by -match, -not, -if and -not_if
 -Match_inv       inv          same as -match_inv except d=YYYYMMDDHH <-> D=YYYYMMDDHHmmss
 -max             inv          print maximum value
 -min             inv          print minimum value
 -misc            inv          variable name qualifiers like chemical, ensemble, probability, etc
 -MM              inv          reference time MM
 -model_version_date inv          prints model date code
 -n               inv          prints out inventory number
 -N_clusters      inv          number of clusters
 -N_ens           inv          number of ensemble members
 -nl              inv          inserts new line into inventory
 -nlons           inv          number of longitudes for each latitude
 -npts            inv          number of grid points
 -number_of_coordinate_values_after_template inv          
 -nxny            inv          nx and ny of grid
 -packing         inv          shows the packing mode (use -v for more details)
 -pds_fcst_time   inv          fcst_time(1) in units given by pds
 -pdt             inv          Product Definition Table (Code Table 4.0)
 -percent         inv          percentage probability
 -post_processing inv          type of post-processing
 -precision       inv          precision of packing
 -print           inv   X      inserts string (X) into inventory
 -prob            inv          probability information
 -process         inv          Process type (code table 4.3)
 -processid       inv          process id (locally defined)
 -proj4_ij2ll     inv   X Y    X=x Y=y, converts to (i,j) to lon-lat using proj.4 (experimental) we:sn
 -proj4_ll2i      inv   X Y    x=lon y=lat, converts to (i) using proj.4 (experimental) 1..ndata
 -proj4_ll2ij     inv   X Y    x=lon y=lat, converts lon-lat (i,j) using proj.4 (experimental)
 -pyinv           inv          miscelaneous metadata for pywgrib2_XXX (experimental)
 -radius          inv          radius of Earth
 -range           inv          print out location of record in bytes, 0 = first byte
 -reset_delayed_error inv          clear reset_delayed_error flag
 -RT              inv          type of reference Time
 -s               inv          simple inventory
 -S               inv          simple inventory with minutes and seconds (subject to change)
 -s2              inv          simple inventory .. for testing ftime2
 -scale           inv          scale for packing
 -scaling         inv          scaling for packing (old format)
 -scan            inv          scan order of grid
 -Sec0            inv          contents of section0
 -Sec3            inv          contents of section 3 (Grid Definition Section)
 -Sec4            inv          Sec 4 values (Product definition section)
 -Sec5            inv          Sec 5 values (Data representation section)
 -Sec6            inv          show bit-map section
 -Sec_len         inv          length of various grib sections
 -spatial_proc    inv          show spacial processing, pdt=4.15
 -spectral_bands  inv          spectral bands for satellite, pdt=4.31 or 4.32
 -spectral_bands_extname inv          spectral bands for satellite, pdt=4.31 or 4.32, concise name for ExtName
 -start_ft        inv          verf time = reference_time + forecast_time (YYYYMMDDHH) : no stat. proc time
 -start_FT        inv          verf time = reference_time + forecast_time (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) - no stat. proc time
 -stats           inv          statistical summary of data values
 -subcenter       inv          subcenter
 -t               inv          reference time YYYYMMDDHH, -v2 for alt format
 -T               inv          reference time YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
 -table           inv          parameter table
 -timer           inv          reads OpenMP timer
 -unix_time       inv          print unix timestamp for rt & vt
 -V               inv          diagnostic output
 -var             inv          short variable name
 -varX            inv          raw variable name - discipline mastertab localtab center parmcat parmnum
 -vector_dir      inv          grid or earth relative winds
 -verf            inv          simple inventory using verification time
 -vt              inv          verf time = reference_time + forecast_time, -v2 for alt format
 -VT              inv          verf time = reference_time + forecast_time (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)
 -warn_old_g2     inv          warn if old g2lib would have problem
 -wave_partition  inv          ocean surface wave partition (pdt=4.52)
 -YY              inv          reference time YYYY
 -inv_f77         inv>  X Y Z  match inventory written to Z with character*(Y) and X=(bin,ieee)
 -last            inv>  X      write last inv item to file X
 -last0           inv>  X      write last inv item to beginning of file X
 -nl_out          inv>  X      write new line in file X
 -print_out       inv>  X Y    prints string (X) in file (Y)
 -s_out           inv>  X      simple inventory written to X
 -big_endian      misc         sets ieee output to big endian (default is big endian)
 -box_ave         misc  X Y Z  box average X=odd integer (lon) Y=odd integer (lat) critical_weight
 -check_pdt_size  misc  X      check pdt size X=1 enable/default, X=0 disable
 -colon           misc  X      replace item deliminator (:) with X
 -config          misc         shows the configuration
 -count           misc         prints count, number times this -count was processed
 -end             misc         stop after first (sub)message (save time)
 -error_final     misc  X Y Z  error if at end X=count Y=ne,eq,le,lt,gt,ge Z=integer
 -export_lonlat   misc  X      save lon-lat data in binary file
 -fix_CFSv2_fcst  misc  X Y Z  fixes CFSv2 monthly fcst X=daily or 00/06/12/18 Y=pert no. Z=number ens fcsts v1.0
 -fix_ncep        misc         fix ncep PDT=8 headers produced by cnvgrib
 -gctpc           misc  X       X=0,1 use gctpc library (default=1)
 -grid_changes    misc         prints number of grid changes
 -grid_def        misc         read lon and lat data from grib file -- experimental
 -h               misc         help, shows common options
 -header          misc         f77 header or nx-ny header in text output (default)
 -help            misc  X      help [search string|all], -help all, shows all options
 -ijundefine      misc  X Y Z  sets grid point values to undefined X=(in-box|out-box) Y=ix0:ix1 Z=iy0:iy1 ix=(1..nx) iy=(1..ny)
 -import_bin      misc  X      read binary file (X) for data
 -import_grib     misc  X      read grib2 file (X) for data
 -import_grib_fs  misc  X Y    read grib2 file (Y) sequentially for record that matches X (fixed string)
 -import_ieee     misc  X      read ieee file (X) for data
 -import_lonlat   misc  X      read lon-lat data from binary file
 -import_netcdf   misc  X Y Z  alpha X=file Y=var Z=hyper-cube specification
 -import_text     misc  X      read text file (X) for data
 -limit           misc  X      stops after X fields decoded
 -little_endian   misc         sets ieee output to little endian (default is big endian)
 -mem_del         misc  X      delete mem file X
 -mem_final       misc  X Y    write mem file X to file Y at cleanup step
 -mem_init        misc  X Y    read mem file X from file Y (on initialization)
 -new_grid_format misc  X      new_grid output format X=bin,ieee,grib
 -new_grid_interpolation misc  X      new_grid interpolation X=bilinear,bicubic,neighbor,budget
 -new_grid_ipopt  misc  X      new_grid ipopt values X=i1:i2..:iN N <= 20
 -new_grid_vectors misc  X      change fields to vector interpolate: X=none,default,UGRD:VGRD,(U:V list)
 -new_grid_winds  misc  X      new_grid wind orientation: X = grid, earth (no default)
 -no_header       misc         no f77 header or nx-ny header in text output
 -proj4           misc  X      X=0,1 use proj4 library for geolocation (testing)
 -quit            misc         stop after first (sub)message (save time)
 -read_sec        misc  X Y    read grib message section (0-8) X from binary file (Y)
 -rewind_final    misc  X      rewinds file X on cleanup step if already opened, CW2
 -rewind_proc     misc  X      rewinds file X on processing step if already opened, CW2
 -rpn             misc  X      reverse polish notation calculator
 -rpn_rcl         misc  X      data = register X .. same as -rpn rcl_X .. no geolocation calc needed
 -rpn_sto         misc  X      register X = data.. same as -rpn sto_X .. no geolocation calc needed
 -scaling_0001    misc         changes scaling testing (sample)
 -set             misc  X Y    set X = Y, X=local_table,etc (help: -set help help)
 -set_ave         misc  X      set ave/acc .. only use on pdt=4.0/4.8 (old code)
 -set_bin_prec    misc  X      X use X bits and ECMWF-style grib encoding
 -set_bitmap      misc  X      use bitmap when creating complex packed files X=1/0
 -set_byte        misc  X Y Z  set bytes in Section X, Octet Y, bytes Z (a|a:b:c)
 -set_center      misc  X      changes center X = C or C:S C and S are center/subcenter numbers
 -set_date        misc  X      changes date code, X=(+|-)N(hr|dy|mo|yr), YYYYMMDDHHmmSS, u(UNIX TIME)
 -set_ensm_derived_fcst misc  X Y    convert PDT 0,1,2 -> 2, 8,11,12 -> 12, X=code table 4.7 Y=num ens members
 -set_ens_num     misc  X Y Z  ensemble member info, X=code table 4.6 Y=pert num Z=num ens members -1=No Change
 -set_flag_table_3.3 misc  X      flag table 3.3 = X
 -set_flag_table_3.4 misc  X      flag table 3.4 = X
 -set_ftime       misc  X      either set_ftime1 or set_ftime2 dep on version_ftime
 -set_ftime1      misc  X      set ftime
 -set_ftime2      misc  X      set ftime2 .. will be replace -set_ftime/ave in the future -- TESTING ---
 -set_gds         misc  X      makes new gds (section 3), X=size in bytes
 -set_grib_max_bits misc  X      sets scaling so number of bits does not exceed N in (new) grib output
 -set_grib_type   misc  X      set grib type = jpeg, simple, ieee, complex(1|2|3), aec, same
 -set_hex         misc  X Y Z  set bytes in Section X, Octet Y, bytes Z (a|a:b:c|abc) in hexadecimal
 -set_ieee        misc  X Y Z  set ieee float in Section X, Octet Y, floats Z (a|a:b:c)
 -set_ijval       misc  X Y Z  sets grid point value X=ix Y=iy Z=val
 -set_int         misc  X Y Z  set 4-byte ints in Section X, Octet Y, signed integers Z (a|a:b:c)
 -set_int2        misc  X Y Z  set 2-byte ints in Section X, Octet Y, signed integers Z (a|a:b:c)
 -set_ival        misc  X Y    sets grid point value X=i1:i2:.. Y=va1:val2:.. grid[i1] = val1,etc i>0
 -set_lev         misc  X      changes level code .. not complete
 -set_metadata    misc  X      read meta-data for grib writing from file X
 -set_metadata_str misc  X      X = metadata string
 -set_pdt         misc  X      makes new pdt, X=(+)PDT_number or X=(+)PDT_number:size of PDT in octets, +=copy metadata
 -set_percentile  misc  X      convert PDT 0..6 -> 6, 8..15 -> 10, X=percentile (0..100)
 -set_prob        misc  5 args X/Y forecasts Z=Code Table 4.9 A=lower limit B=upper limit
 -set_radius      misc  X      set radius of Earth X= 0,2,4,5,6,8,9 (Code Table 3.2), X=1:radius , X=7:major:minor
 -set_scaling     misc  X Y    set decimal scaling=X/same binary scaling=Y/same new grib messages
 -set_sec_size    misc  X Y    resizes section , X=section number, Y=size in octets, DANGEROUS
 -set_ts_dates    misc  X Y Z  changes date code for time series X=YYYYMMDDHH(mmss) Y=dtime Z=#msgs/date
 -set_var         misc  X      changes variable name
 -start_timer     misc         starts OpenMP timer
 -status          misc  X      X X=file
 -submsg          misc  X      process submessage X (0=process all messages)
 -sys             misc  X      run system/shell command, X=shell command
 -text_col        misc  X      number of columns on text output
 -text_fmt        misc  X      format for text output (C)
 -udf             misc  X Y    run UDF, X=program+optional_args, Y=return file
 -udf_arg         misc  X Y    add grib-data to UDF argument file, X=file Y=name
 -undefine        misc  X Y Z  sets grid point values to undefined X=(in-box|out-box) Y=lon0:lon1 Z=lat0:lat1
 -undefine_val    misc  X      grid point set to undefined if X=val or X=low:high
 -v               misc         verbose (v=1)
 -v0              misc         not verbose (v=0)
 -v1              misc         verbose (v=1)
 -v2              misc         really verbose (v=2)
 -v97             misc         verbose mode for debugging only (v=97)
 -v98             misc         verbose mode for debugging only (v=98)
 -v99             misc         verbose mode for debugging only (v=99)
 -version         misc         print version
 --version        misc         print version
 -AAIG            out          writes Ascii ArcInfo Grid file, lat-lon grid only (alpha)
 -AAIGlong        out          writes Ascii ArcInfo Grid file, lat-lon grid only long-name *.asc (alpha)
 -ave             out   X Y    average X=time step Y=output v2
 -ave0            out   X Y    average X=time step, Y=output grib file needs file is special order
 -ave_var         out   X Y    average/std dev/min/max X=time step, Y=output
 -bin             out   X      write binary data to X
 -cress_lola      out   X..Z,A lon-lat grid values X=lon0:nlon:dlon Y=lat0:nlat:dlat Z=file A=radius1:radius2:..:radiusN
 -csv             out   X      make comma separated file, X=file (WxText enabled)
 -csv_long        out   X      make comma separated file, X=file (WxText enabled)
 -cubeface2global out   X Y    write faces X as global cubed grid to Y: X=list of faces to exclude
 -ens_processing  out   X Y    ave/min/max/spread X=output Y=future use
 -ens_qc          out   X..Z,A simple qc ensemble members X=stats.grb Y=extreme.grb Z=extreme.txt A=1 (qc_version)
 -fcst_ave        out   X Y    average X=time step Y=output v2
 -fcst_ave0       out   X Y    average X=time step, Y=output grib file needs file is special order
 -fi              out          depreceated, used in old IF structure
 -grib            out   X      writes GRIB record (one submessage) to X
 -GRIB            out   X      writes entire GRIB record (all submessages)
 -grib_ieee       out   X      writes data[] to X.grb, X.head, X.tail, and X.h
 -grib_out        out   X      writes decoded/modified data in grib-2 format to file X
 -grib_out_irr    out   X Y    writes irregular grid grib (GDT=130 not adopted) X=(all|defined) Y=(output file)
 -grib_out_irr2   out   5 args writes irregular grid grib GDT 101 X=npnts Y=grid_no Z=grid_ref A=UUID B=(output file)
 -gribtable_used  out   X      write out sample gribtable as derived from grib file, X=file
 -gridout         out   X      text file with grid: i j lat lon (1st record)
 -ieee            out   X      write (default:big-endian) IEEE data to X
 -ijbox           out   X..Z,A grid values in bounding box X=i1:i2[:di] Y=j1:j2[:dj] Z=file A=[bin|text|spread]
 -ijsmall_grib    out   X Y Z  make small domain grib file X=ix0:ix1 Y=iy0:iy1 Z=file
 -irr_grid        out   X Y Z  make irregular grid (GDT=130 not adopted), nearest neighbor, X=lon-lat list Y=radius (km) Z=output grib file
 -lola            out   X..Z,A lon-lat grid values X=lon0:nlon:dlon Y=lat0:nlat:dlat Z=file A=[bin|text|spread|grib]
 -merge_fcst      out   X Y    merge forecast ave/acc/min/max X=number to intervals to merge (0=every) Y=output grib file
 -mysql           out   5 args H=[host] U=[user] P=[password] D=[db] T=[table]
 -mysql_dump      out   7 args H=[host] U=[user] P=[password] D=[db] T=[table] W=[western_lons:0|1] PV=[remove unlikely:0|1]
 -mysql_speed     out   7 args H=[host] U=[user] P=[password] D=[db] T=[table] W=[western_lons:0|1] PV=[remove unlikely:0|1]
 -ncep_norm       out   X      normalize NCEP-type ave/acc X=output grib file
 -ncep_uv         out   X      combine U and V fields into one message like NCEP operations
 -netcdf          out   X      write netcdf data to X
 -new_grid        out   X..Z,A bilinear interpolate: X=projection Y=x0:nx:dx Z=y0:ny:dy A=grib_file alpha
 -new_grid_order  out   X Y    put in required order for -new_grid, X=out Y=out2 no matching vector
 -reduced_gaussian_grid out   X Y Z  reduced Gaussian grid, X=outputfile Y=-1 Z=(neighbor|linear)[-extrapolate]
 -small_grib      out   X Y Z  make small domain grib file X=lonW:lonE Y=latS:latN Z=file
 -spread          out   X      write text - spread sheet format into X (WxText enabled)
 -submsg_uv       out   X      combine vector fields into one message
 -text            out   X      write text data into X
 -time_processing out   X..Z,A average X=CodeTable 4.10 Y=CodeTable 4.11 Z=time step A=output
 -tosubmsg        out   X      convert GRIB message to submessage and write to file X
 -unmerge_fcst    out   X Y Z  unmerge_fcst X=output Y=fcst_time_0 Z: 0->result 1->+init 2->+all
 -wind_dir        out   X      calculate wind direction, X = output gribfile (direction in degrees, 0=wind from north, 90=wind from east)
 -wind_speed      out   X      calculate wind speed, X = output gribfile (U then V in datafile)
 -wind_uv         out   X      calculate UGRD/VGRD from speed/dir, X = output gribfile
 -write_sec       out   X Y    write grib msessage section X (0-8) to binary file Y
 -alarm           init  X      terminate after X seconds
 -append          init         append mode, write to existing output files
 -crlf            init         make the end of the inventory a crlf (windows) instead of newline (unix)
 -d               init  X      dump message X = n, n.m, n:offset, n.m:offset, only 1 -d allowed
 -egrep           init  X      egrep X | wgrib2 (X is POSIX regular expression)
 -egrep_v         init  X      egrep -v X | wgrib2 (X is POSIX regular expression)
 -eof_bin         init  X Y    send (binary) integer to file upon EOF: X=file Y=integer
 -eof_string      init  X Y    send string to file upon EOF: X=file Y=string
 -err_bin         init  X Y    send (binary) integer to file upon err exit: X=file Y=integer
 -err_string      init  X Y    send string to file upon err exit: X=file Y=string
 -fgrep           init  X      fgrep X | wgrib2
 -fgrep_v         init  X      fgrep -v X | wgrib2
 -fix_ncep_2      init         ncep bug fix 2, probability observation < -ve number
 -fix_ncep_3      init         sets flag to fix ncep bug 3 (constant fields)
 -fix_ncep_4      init         fixes NCEP grib2 files where DX and DY are undefined
 -fix_undef       init         set unused values to undef
 -flush           init         flush output buffers after every write (interactive)
 -for             init  X      process record numbers in range, X=(start:end:step), only one -for allowed
 -for_n           init  X      process inv numbers in range, X=(start:end:step), only one -for allowed
 -g2clib          init  X      X=0/1/2 0=WMO std 1=emulate g2clib 2=use g2clib
 -i               init         read Inventory from stdin
 -i_file          init  X      read Inventory from file
 -inv             init  X      write inventory to X
 -match           init  X      process data that matches X (POSIX regular expression)
 -match_fs        init  X      process data that matches X (fixed string)
 -match_inv_add   init  X Y Z  add new options to match_inventory
 -names           init  X      grib name convention, X=DWD, dwd, ECMWF, ecmwf, NCEP, ncep
 -nc3             init         use netcdf3 (classic)
 -nc4             init         use netcdf4 (compressed, controlled endianness etc)
 -nc_grads        init         require netcdf file to be grads v1.9b4 compatible (fixed time step only)
 -nc_nlev         init  X      netcdf, X = max LEV dimension for {TIME,LEV,LAT,LON} data
 -nc_pack         init  X      pack/check limits of all NEW input variables, X=min:max[:byte|short|float]
 -ncpu            init  X      number of threads, default is environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS/number of cpus
 -nc_table        init  X      X is conversion_to_netcdf_table file name
 -nc_time         init  X      netcdf, [[-]yyyymmddhhnnss]:[dt{s[ec]|m[in]|h[our]|d[ay]}], [-] is for time alignment only
 -ndate           init  X Y    X=date Y=dt print date + dt
 -ndates          init  X Y Z  X=date0 Y=(date1|dt1) Z=dt2 for (date=date0; date<(date1|date0+dt1); date+=dt2) print date
 -ndates_fmt      init  X      X = C format for ndates option ex. 'date=%s'
 -no_append       init         not append mode, write to new output files (default)
 -no_flush        init         flush output buffers when full (default)
 -no_nc_grads     init         netcdf file may be not grads v1.9b4 compatible, variable time step
 -no_nc_pack      init         no packing in netcdf for NEW variables
 -no_nc_table     init         disable previously defined conversion_to_netcdf_table
 -no_nc_time      init         netcdf, disable previously defined initial or relative date and time step
 -not             init  X      process data that does not match X (POSIX regular expression)
 -not_fs          init  X      process data that does not match X (fixed string)
 -one_line        init         puts all on one line (makes into inventory format)
 -order           init  X      decoded data in X (raw|we:sn|we:ns) order, we:sn is default
 -persistent      init  X      makes file X persistent if already opened (default on open), CW2
 -rewind_init     init  X      rewinds file X on initialization if already opened, CW2
 -set_ext_name    init  X      X=type ext_name (1*misc+2*level+4*ftime)
 -set_ext_name_chars init  X Y    extended name characters X=field Y=space
 -set_regex       init  X      set regex mode X = 0:extended regex (default) 1:pattern 2:extended regex & quote metacharacters
 -set_version_ftime init  X      set version of ftime X=1, 2
 -tigge           init         use modified-TIGGE grib table
 -transient       init  X      make file X transient, CW2

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Page last modified: May 15, 2005
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