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HOME > Monitoring_and_Data > Oceanic and Atmospheric Data > Reanalysis: Atmospheric Data > wgrib2-import_grib_fs

wgrib2: -import_grib_fs (wgrib2 v3.0.0+)


The -import_grib_fs option sets the file pointer to the beginning of the file, and reads sequentially until it finds a record that matches the search string. It like a -if_fs for reading a grib file.

The option -import_grib reads the input file sequentially. The -import_grib_fs option allows you select the field to read.


-import_grib_fs STRING data.grb	     reads a grib message that matchs STRING from file data.grb
				     the match is by fixed string, not regular expression
                                     -g2clib 2 is not supported
                                     conversion to we:sn and we:ns is supported
                                     starts at the beginning of the file
				     reads sequentially
                                     -not and -match do not affect -import_grib
                STRING               this is a subset of the match inventory (see -match_inv)
		                     starting with d=YYYYMMDDHH
                data.grb             grib file for reading by -import_grib_fs
Note: grid size (if it can be determined) must match the current grid.

Example 1

Here is a script that reads the CORe and CFS analyses, and finds the average 500 mh height. CORe and CFS are on different grids, so the first step is to convert them to to same grid.
# ave two Z500 fields from totally different systems (CORe, CFS)
# Step 1, convert to same grid
# Step 2, use -import_grib_fs (v3.0.0+) to read the field
#         use -rpn to average the two fields
#         change center to unknown because the metadata is not descriptive
# Note: for Step 2,
#        -match ":d=2000010100:HGT:500 mb:"  is not needed
#        -import_grib_fs "d=2000010100:HGT:500 mb:anl:"  file2.grb
#          can be replaced by -import_grib file2.grb
# I made the code more complicated because if file1 and file2 were already on
# same grid, you can avoid Step 1.


# Step 1
wgrib2 $file1 -match ":d=2000010100:HGT:500 mb:" -new_grid_winds earth -new_grid ncep grid 3 file1.grb
wgrib2 $file2 -match ":d=2000010100:HGT:500 mb:" -new_grid_winds earth -new_grid ncep grid 3 file2.grb
echo "\n\n"

# Step 2
wgrib2 file1.grb -match ":d=2000010100:HGT:500 mb:" -rpn "0.5:*:sto_0" \
   -import_grib_fs "d=2000010100:HGT:500 mb:anl:"  file2.grb \
   -rpn "0.5:*:rcl_0:+" -set_center 255 -grib_out ave.grb
exit 0

See also: -import_grib,

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