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6-10 Day outlooks are issued daily between 3pm & 4pm Eastern Time. All forecasts issued on weekends are completely automated while all weekday outlooks are modified by the forecaster.
Please refer to the U.S. Prognostic Discussion for an explanation of terms and symbols used on these maps.

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8 to 14 Day Hawaiian Outlooks
Valid: Dec 19, 2023 - Dec 25, 2023
Issued: Dec 11, 2023

8 to 14 Day Outlook - Upper Air
Upper Air Forecast: 500mb Heights (green) & Standardized Anomalies (red & blue)
8 to 14 Day Outlook - Temperature and Precipitation
Surface Forecast: Station Temperature (red) in F and
Precipitation (green) in hundreths of an inch
with observed 5-day mean SST (dashed black lines),
SST anomalies (filled), and winds (arrows)
For Lihue, the forecast is calling for a mean temperature of 74.43F. There is a 2.38% chance of the 7-day mean temperature being in the below normal category, a 16.67% chance of it being in the near normal category, and a 80.95% chance of it being in the above normal category.
For precipitation, the ensemble median forecast is for 0.78 inches of rain. There is a 0.0% chance of below normal precipitation, a 83.3% chance of near normal precipitation, and a 16.7% chance of above normal precipitation for this period.

For Honolulu, the forecast is calling for a mean temperature of 75.57F. There is a 4.76% chance of the 7-day mean temperature being in the below normal category, a 23.81% chance of it being in the near normal category, and a 71.43% chance of it being in the above normal category.
For precipitation, the ensemble median forecast is for 0.13 inches of rain. There is a 0.0% chance of below normal precipitation, a 56.0% chance of near normal precipitation, and a 44.0% chance of above normal precipitation for this period.

For Kahului, the forecast is calling for a mean temperature of 74.53F. There is a 2.38% chance of the 7-day mean temperature being in the below normal category, a 11.90% chance of it being in the near normal category, and a 85.71% chance of it being in the above normal category.
For precipitation, the ensemble median forecast is for 0.22 inches of rain. There is a 1.2% chance of below normal precipitation, a 98.8% chance of near normal precipitation, and a 0.0% chance of above normal precipitation for this period.

For Hilo, the forecast is calling for a mean temperature of 73.05F. There is a 2.38% chance of the 7-day mean temperature being in the below normal category, a 4.76% chance of it being in the near normal category, and a 92.86% chance of it being in the above normal category.
For precipitation, the ensemble median forecast is for 1.64 inches of rain. There is a 27.4% chance of below normal precipitation, a 23.8% chance of near normal precipitation, and a 48.8% chance of above normal precipitation for this period.

Related Topics:
Prognostic Discussion, 6-10 day Forecast for the 48 Contiguous States, Time Series of Surface Forecast Skill, Model Guidance Used, 6 to 10 Day Hawaiian Outlook, Our Mission, Who We Are, CPC Information, CPC Web Team

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