Climate Prediction Center - seasonal Outlook
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Official 90-day Outlooks are issued once each month near mid-month at 8:30am Eastern Time. Please consult the schedule of 30 & 90-day outlooks for exact release dates.
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ENSO Box and Whiskers Analysis

3-month Temperature and Precipitation Distribution

By making selections below, you can obtain historical distributions of 3-month temperature and precipitation associated with 3 different ENSO categories - El Nino, La Nina, and Neutral events for a climate division.

Click here for information about the ENSO distribution analysis
Select a date and type of image. Then click on a climate division on the map to display the box and whiskers distribution plot which will open on a new page.

Temperature Precipitation
Climate Division Probability of Exceedance Maps
1. Northern New England 2. Northeastern New England 3. Northern New York 4. Southern New England 5. Eastern Great Lakes 6. Ohio
7. Mid-Atlantic Coast 8. Northern Appalachians 9. Central Appalachians 10. Coastal Virginia 11. Southern Appalachians 12. Coastal Carolinas
13. Interior Carolinas 14. Upper Michigan 15. Northern Minnesota 16. Eastern North Dakota 17. Western North Dakota 18. Eastern Montana
19. North-Central Montana 20. South-Central Montana 21. Western Montana 22. North-Central Michigan 23. Southern Michigan 24. East-Central Illinois
25. Northern Illinois 26. Northern Wisconsin 27. Southeastern Minnesota 28. Eastern South Dakota 29. Central South Dakota 30. Western South Dakota
31. Northeastern Wyoming 32. Northwestern Wyoming 33. Eastern Iowa 34. Northwestern Iowa 35. Central Nebraska 36. Southern Nebraska
37. Western Nebraska/Cheyenne 38. Eastern Kentucky 39. Western Kentucky 40. Southeastern Missouri 41. Northeastern Missouri 42. Northwestern Missouri
43. Eastern Kansas 44. Central Kansas 45. Western Kansas 46. Northeastern Colorado 47. Southeastern Colorado 48. Western Colorado
49. Southwestern Wyoming 50. Central Tennessee 51. Western Tennessee 52. Ozark Mountains 53. Central Oklahoma 54. Texas West of Abilene
55. Northern Hi Plains Texas 56. Northern Georgia 57. Northern Alabama 58. Central Mississippi 59. Southern Arkansas 60. Eastern Texas
61. Dallas Region, Texas 62. San Antonio Region, Texas 63. Far Southern Texas 64. West-Central Texas 65. Western Texas Panhandle 66. Jacksonville Region, Florida
67. Central Florida 68. Southern Florida 69. Florida Panhandle 70. Coastal Louisiana 71. Coastal Texas near Houston 72. Northeastern Washington
73. Pendleton Region, Oregon 74. Central Washington 75. Seattle Region, Washington 76. Coastal Washington 77. Eastern Idaho 78. Idaho Central Mountains
79. Southwestern Idaho 80. Eastern Oregon 81. Oregon Coastal Valley 82. Oregon Coast 83. Northeastern Utah 84. Southeastern Utah
85. Western Utah 86. Northeastern Nevada 87. Northwestern Nevada 88. Sacramento Region, California 89. Northern California Coast 90. Central Nevada
91. Fresno Region, California 92. Central California Coast 93. Southern California Coast 94. Southeastern California 95. Las Vegas Region, Nevada 96. Southwestern Arizona
97. Northeastern Arizona 98. Southeastern Arizona 99. Northern New Mexico 100. Eastern New Mexico 101. Central New Mexico 102. Southern New Mexico


NOAA/ National Weather Service
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Climate Prediction Center
5830 University Research Court
College Park, Maryland 20740
Page Author: Climate Prediction Center Internet Team
Page last modified: December 12, 2005
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