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September - November 2007
Seasonal Climate Summary
ENSO Diagnostic Discussion
Sea-Surface Temperatures
Global: Seasonal Monthly Animation
Tropical Pacific: Monthly Animation
North Atlantic: Monthly Animation
Sub-Surface Temperatures
Depth-longitude Section: Seasonal Animation
Atmospheric Circulation
Sea Level Pressure (SLP): Seasonal
850-hPa Winds: Seasonal Monthly: Tropical Pacific Tropical Atlantic
200-hPa Winds: Seasonal Monthly: Tropical Pacific Tropical Atlantic
200-hPa Streamfunction: Seasonal Monthly Animation
200-hPa Heights and Anomalies: Animation
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR): Seasonal Monthly
Intra-Seasonal Oscillations
Sea Level Pressure (SLP)
200-mb Velocity Potential 5N-5S 10N-20N
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR)
850-mb Zonal Wind Anomalies
Surface Temperatures and Precipitation
Seasonal Temperature and Precipitation Departures
Monthly Temperature and Precipitation Departures
United States Temperatures
Seasonal Mean Temperatures and Departures
Monthly Mean Temperatures and Departures
Seasonal Mean Maximum and Minimum Temperatures and Departures
Monthly Mean Maximum Temperatures and Departures
Monthly Mean Minimum Temperatures and Departures
United States Precipitation
U.S. Seasonal Precipitation and Departures
U.S. Monthly Precipitation and Departures September October November
NH 500 mb Heights and Anomalies: Seasonal Monthly Animation
SH 500 mb Heights and Anomalies: Seasonal Monthly Animation
300-mb Seasonal Winds and Anomalies: NH SH
Persistence of 500-hpa Height Anomalies: NH SH
Monthly Tabulated Indices NH Arctic Oscil. Antarctic Oscil.
Daily Tabulated Indices    NH Arctic Oscil. Antarctic Oscil.
Daily Teleconnection Plots    All
Height Analyses: NH SH
Polar Height-Longitude Section of Heights and Temperature: NH SH
Polar Time-Height Cross-Section of Height Anomalies: NH SH
50-hPa Animations: Heights and Temperatures