FIGURE T2. Three-month running mean of a
CDAS/Reanalysis-derived (a) Southern Oscillation Index (RSOI), (b)
standardized pressure anomalies near Tahiti (solid) and Darwin (dashed),
(c) an equatorial SOI ([EPAC] - [INDO]), and (d) standardized equatorial
pressure anomalies for (EPAC) (solid) and (INDO) (dashed). Anomalies are
departures from the 1979–95 base period means and are normalized by
the mean annual standard deviation. The equatorial SOI is calculated as
the normalized difference between the standardized anomalies averaged
between 5°N–5°S, 80°W–130°W (EPAC) and 5°N–5°S, 90°E–140°E