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figure a2.1

FIGURE A2.1. (a) Daily amplitudes of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and the Pacific-North American (PNA) pattern. The pattern amplitudes for the AO, (NAO, PNA) are calculated by projecting the daily 1000-hPa (500-hPa) height anomaly field onto the leading EOF obtained from standardized time- series of daily 1000-hPa (500-hPa) height for all months of the year. The base period is 1979–2000.

(b-d) Northern Hemisphere mean and anomalous 500-hPa geopotential height (CDAS/Reanalysis) for selected periods during the month are shown in the remaining 3 panels. Mean heights are denoted by solid contours drawn at an interval of 8 dam. Dark (light) shading corresponds to anomalies greater than 50 m (less than -50 m). Anomalies are calculated as departures from the 1979–95 base period daily means.



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